One piece of commemorative or souvenir medal is normally carrying a design, they may be awarded to a person or organization as form of recognition for sporting, military, scientific, cultural, academic etc. Pretty Shiny engaged in varies commemorative medallions production since year 1984. We developed different coloring process like cloisonné, imitation hard enamel, soft enamel, silkscreen or offset printing, different material selections, personalized shape requests like 2D, 3D, full 3D as well as multiple pieces combined are achievable at our factory. We aim at exquisite and beautiful quality for it is not only of long life span, durable, but also can increase the satisfaction towards the products and broaden the vast market and upgrading the brand and history to a higher level. Contact us at right now to receive the high quality medals insignia.
* Мавод:Шира, мис мис, часс, оҳан, алюминий, ё марги руҳ раҳбар, Путтер
* Ранг:сирдор сахт, тақлид ба зағир, сирри мулоим, ранги W / O Right, чоп
* Замима:Рангҳои сахт лентаи кӯтоҳ, лентаи кӯтоҳ, лентаи металлӣ, барҳостҳои металлӣ, broop, ҳалқаҳо, ҳалқаҳо, бехатарии PIN, Bartingones
* Хизмат:Хизматрасонии 2D ё CNC
* Пайванд:тилло, нуқра, никел, хром, никел, никел, ду-оҳанг, сатил ё антиқа
* Бастабандӣ:Бастаи ҳубобӣ, қуттии корти шево, халтаи Velvet, қуттии чармӣ ва ғайра.
Сифат Аввалан, бехатарии бехатарӣ